Anti-Racism and Intercultural Seminar Experience

All first-year Carthage students participate in ARISE, a two-semester program for freshmen. Started in Fall 2020, ARISE leads students on a process of personal and relational growth.

ARISE activities include:

  • Taking the Intercultural Development Inventory (IDI), a personalized intercultural self-awareness assessment.
  • Reviewing IDI results with an assigned ARISE equity coach. ARISE coaches are Carthage faculty and staff who have been trained in administering and reviewing the IDI.
  • Working with their equity coach to develop and complete an intercultural project, which includes academic and experiential components.

Meet the ARISE Equity Coaches


For more information on the ARISE initiative, please contact:

Michele Hancock
Vice President of College Culture for Inclusion
Lentz Hall 330

Jacqueline Easley
Professor of Education
Lentz Hall 322