Graduates of Carthage’s German program use their cultural knowledge and language skills in various careers after graduation.
German courses integrate many other subjects: politics, economics, art, literature, media, film, and geography. Students can easily combine German with other majors, including religion, international political economy, business, art, marketing, physics, or history.
Here is a look at how some career options for German graduates.
Research assistant
Travel consultant or tour guide
Museum staff
International customer service
Study abroad advisor
Diplomacy staff
International negotiator
Environment and sustainability specialist
Medical writing manager
Clinical researcher
Business development officer
Communications director
European sales coordinator
IT project manager
Product support engineer
Supplier management
Account executive
Project coordinator
Graphic designer
Data analyst
Program coordinator
Business analyst
Computer programmer
Lawyer (once you’re qualified in American law, you can specialize in international law with a focus on German-speaking countries)
Airline pilot/cabin crew
IT technician
Engineer (any discipline)
HR professional
Professional writer/copywriter
Marketer/sales manager
Carthage German students have gone on to successful careers incorporating their German studies:
Sarah Sprenger teaches second grade at the German Immersion School in Milwaukee.
Melissa Haines teaches German at a high school in Illinois.
Orsi Kiss completed her Ph.D. in German at Indiana University to become a German professor.
Leah Stuhlmacher works in international marketing for Harley-Davidson, where she had an internship while she was a student. Majors: German and Marketing
Alyson Kuttruff worked for the German Parliament in Berlin. Plans to attend graduate school in politics. Majors: German and International Political Economy
Adam Mademann works for Egetrans International, where he helps companies import and transport products to the United States. Majors: German and History
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